Sunday, January 24, 2010

The session in RFN

We feed everyone with food, and shared our laughter.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, October 5, 2009


There's a sick feel in my belly

-- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So you write already...

We are all feeling the weight of this econonmic downturn. Whether we realize it or not. Cutting down on how often we go out for dinner, or any other out of home entertainment. 
In this article a food chain resturant shuts its door on Canada and our neighbors south of us. Citing the weak Canadian dollar. With the sudden closing this past Monday, where does that leave the people who have gift cards? The company said its trying to honour the gift cards, and to visit its website next week for updates.
The public relations issue I beleive is the "potentially worthless gift cards"
Its a soft response to say "check our website next week". A week is a long time for most people, and will it be honoured? If a company feels there is nother way out but to shutdown business, what is there to make us beleive there is finances to honour promotional gift cards.
I hope so for those people who are involved.
Stockholders for this issue would be the stocholders, the patrons who frequented the Australian-style steakhouse. 
Jill Holroyd, vice-preseident of research with the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association, "Fine dining is the first to feel the pinch as a consumers and businsses cut back, then causual dining, them family dining"
The stockholder will eat more at home, heading to the grocery store, instead of a night of casual dinning.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Main Floor - new text books - day1thirdwk

Ok, I want to look at more First Nation articles, my morning was looking for stories. I know there are issues out there, that we can talk about for days. But what I have my focus on is the lighter/postive view of our people.
Though its not a hard public relations story, it still highlights the improtance of a public image.
In this article we see a possible beginning into what can be in the news. The First Nations Drum is a web based publication, yes but we still need more. 

Richard Wagamese -Ojibway
Eden Robinson - Haisla
Joseph - Metis

I like the quote "Mastering the English language in order to widen thier audiences, English allows gained recongintion."

.....In other thoughts, the chapters that we were to read from one of the new text books Public Relations Writing Form & Style,  very exciting. I did find it to be harsher. With the slightly different wording it left no room for sway,  but still worded very strongly. It has the same message and method of our first text book Public Relations A values Driven Approach.

Ah, this article is older,  but the reading tonight made me think of libel - Under Libel Laws and Privacy Issues - The fair comment defense, which used public figures for humor, has suffered some severe blows in the courts. Some claim that now such protection doesn't exist.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fourth Day -2nd wk

Yesturday a class memeber picked the tragic story of a married couple who went skiing, and got lost for nine days.  I heard aboutt this story on the 11:00 o'clock news.  And had planned to write my blog on it, but another story caught my attention.

This article is from the Toronto Star,  The RCMP admit they should have acted sooner, in a rescue. Thank god they had the interity to own up to a decision, that cost a woman her life.  It's all well and good to say, "it was a wrong call". Someone is dead.  
The unforturnate miscommunication and the fact that the couple moved off the monitored ski trail, has left no happy end.

There's an error on the part of the RCMP for not intiating a 'search-and-recsue call-out on Feb 21 (Saturday)," 

The Resort's only comment "we didn't know of any missing or overdue skiers."  Does that excuse them?

the delay in search and recsue


we're sorry. (sorta)

family of the couple 
any guest and future guest of the resort

Thursday, February 26, 2009

recession recession recession - third day second week

I don't recall the recessions in the 70's and 80's. What I do remember is, we didn't have as much as say, other people. Lets include the fact that both my parents where in university, so our 'poor' state could have been a student allowance. When I think about my childhood in the years my parents went to Western, we didn't want for anything, because we didn't know what we didn't have.
I am a parent now and in my thirthy-fifth year, I still don't feel it. It could be that I work for a First Nations community and don't pay taxes, or own a car. Maybe some day my family will have a car. I know it wouln't be a new model, as I can't imagine saving that amount.
This is an older article from CNBC that I found when looking for more information on another, recession related topic.

How I see whats happening is controlling the masses, makes me think back to President Obama
inaugual speech.  Hardwork, tough times, so forth.  
“The current situation has nothing in common with the Great Depression,” says economist Steve Hanke of the Cato Institute and Johns Hopkins University. “The sooner they [in Washington] stop spinning the bad news story and say nothing, the sooner we’ll be more confident.”

This is a scary time, and I'm trying to put myself in everyone's shoes. I can understand that economist and government, aren't really hiding the truth, in this financial crisis.
In history we know that we have the capability to learn from our past, and we always come on fine.  If I just knew what a recession felt like.

In the article it closes with a cloudy hope. "The consensus is this recession will end sometime between the second falh of 2009 and he beginning of 2010. the pessimists say wait till next year-period.  David Jones, COE of DMJ Advisors, is among those who see 'hints of stability.' By that he menas, the rate of decline in areas like retail appear to be slowing. We'll see the same thing hppening on the housing side in the next couple months," says Jones

Below our the artciles that inspired.  The people our the stockholds.